Where Marketing Meets LGBTQIA+ Empowerment

At The Gaygency, we’re not just a marketing agency; we’re a movement. Our mission is to bridge the gap between businesses and the vibrant LGBTQIA+ community. We champion LGBTQIA+ owned and operated businesses and guide ally businesses in authentically engaging with LGBTQIA+ customers.

 The image features a vibrant and joyful group of four friends sitting together, celebrating. One of them is holding up a rainbow flag, symbolizing LGBTQ+ pride. They are all smiling and laughing, dressed in eclectic and stylish outfits that include patterned shirts, statement jewelry, and bold footwear. The backdrop is an urban skyline, suggesting they are on a rooftop. Their carefree poses and expressions convey a sense of freedom, happiness, and solidarity.

Our Mission
Authenticity And Activism Are Our Core

Our ambition is bold: to be the global leader in marketing for LGBTQIA+ businesses. We aim to be the catalyst for a world where LGBTQIA+ businesses not only thrive but also form a powerful, supportive network that uplifts every member. Our vision centers on creating a vibrant ecosystem of LGBTQIA+ businesses that champion one another, fostering mutual success and visibility.

By focusing on collaboration and shared growth, we believe in the transformative power of unity. When LGBTQIA+ businesses flourish, the ripple effects extend throughout the entire community, creating opportunities, enhancing visibility, and affirming the invaluable contributions of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their enterprises. At The Gaygency, we are committed to supporting LGBTQIA+ businesses of all sizes, helping each one achieve unparalleled success.

In this spirit, we dedicate ourselves to empowering LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs and companies. Through our comprehensive marketing services, we aim to amplify your brand and ensure that as we grow, we all rise together. We’re here to champion your success, foster meaningful connections, and celebrate the vibrant diversity that defines our community.

Together, let’s build a future where every LGBTQIA+ business is seen, heard, and thriving. Because when one of us grows, we all soar higher. Partner with us, and let’s make history, united in our strength and diversity.

Unmatched Expertise and Authenticity

Owned and operated by LGBTQIA+ & BIPOC individuals, our team boasts unparalleled diversity and insight. Our network of talent is primarily queer, ensuring that your campaigns are not just seen but felt. With clients like Nasty Pig, Out.com, and The Advocate, and more, our track record speaks for itself.

The image features the logo for "adam's NEST" in a stylized font, with "adam's" in lower case and "NEST" in all caps. The text is in black, and there is an emblem of a house with a clover-like design next to the word "NEST." The logo’s design has a playful yet elegant appearance, suggestive of a brand or shop with a creative and inclusive vibe.
The image features an individual sitting on stairs bathed in dramatic red lighting, with neon-like lights running along the stair edges. The person is wearing a black T-shirt with "SILENCE=DEATH" printed in bold lettering, black pants, and sneakers, suggesting a statement of activism. They have their head bowed, hands clasped between their knees, and their hair is styled in a top knot. Their appearance, including tattoos on their arms and dark shades, adds to the intensity of the image. The setting evokes a mood of contemplation and the serious message on the shirt indicates a moment of reflection or remembrance.
 The image captures a moment of artistic expression, featuring a person from behind as they spray a plume of vivid pink smoke against a wall covered in colorful graffiti. The individual is bald, wearing a black t-shirt, and appears to be actively engaged in creating street art. The graffiti in the background adds a vibrant urban texture to the scene, and the pink smoke creates a dynamic and ephemeral artwork, contrasting sharply with the permanent nature of the graffiti.

Our Services
Creativity Unleashed

From the traditional to the digital, The Gaygency offers a comprehensive suite of marketing services designed to elevate your brand. Our expertise spans branding, content development, media and digital media buying, SEO, website development, email marketing, AI integrations, and more. We're here to ensure your message not only reaches but resonates with the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond.

Making a Difference with Every Action

At the heart of The Gaygency is a commitment to impact. We believe in making a tangible difference in the lives of our clients and their audiences. Through our work, we aim to create a world of tolerance, love, and self-expression. Our values guide us to show up every day, not just as professionals, but as passionate advocates for the LGBTQIA+ community. We prioritize self-care, understanding that to illuminate others, we must first shine ourselves.

The image shows a group of people joyfully participating in a pride parade. They are walking under a large rainbow flag, each raising their hands high in celebration. The individuals are dressed in casual attire with rainbow-themed accessories, showing their support and pride for the LGBTQ+ community. Their expressions are full of happiness and excitement, and the atmosphere is one of festivity and inclusion.

Meet our team

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Jane Parker
SEA campaign manager

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Sarah Jane
Project manager

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Louisa Bets
seo campaign manager

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Samantha Fury

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Antoine Hery

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Sam Arvy

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Transforming Your Brand
Our Three-Step Strategy

Discover & Define

We start by analyzing your brand and goals, pinpointing opportunities for growth. This stage sets a strategic course tailored to your brand’s identity and the LGBTQIA+ community's nuances.

Strategize & Plan

Developing a customized strategy comes next, combining creative ideas with effective outreach methods. Our roadmap is designed for impactful engagement and brand amplification.

Execute & Elevate

Finally, we implement the strategy with precision, adjusting for peak performance. Our focus is on elevating your brand, ensuring it not only stands out but also resonates deeply with your audience.

The image features a bald man with a full beard, looking slightly upwards and to the side. He has piercing eyes and is wearing a casual polo shirt with a logo on the chest. The shirt is partially unzipped at the collar. The backdrop appears to be outdoors with a hint of greenery, suggesting a relaxed or natural setting. The man's facial expression is serene and contemplative.
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The Gaygency just gets it

The Gaygency just gets it. Lots of agencies can talk the talk when it comes to marketing to our community, this team walks the walk. Nasty Pig wouldn't be where it is today without them.

David Lauterstein
CEO Nasty Pig
The image features a man with a shaved head and a neatly groomed beard sitting confidently in front of a black and white patterned backdrop. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a list of names in white text, which include "Marsha, Alvin, Angela, Bayard, Langston, James, Josephine," suggesting these may be individuals of significance to him or perhaps names important within a cultural or historical context. His sleeves reveal tattooed arms, adding to his distinct appearance. The man's gaze is direct and steady, with a calm but strong presence.
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The best decision
I've made

Partnering with The Gaygency has been one of the best decisions I've made. Their expertise motivated me to push myself to aim bigger and they were there to guide me and advise me along the way.

Julius LaCour
Founder J LACOUR
The image features a man standing in front of the White House, which is illuminated with the colors of the rainbow, for LGBTQ+ Pride. The man is bald, has a warm smile, and is wearing a black coat with a bright red scarf. His cheerful expression and the vibrant colors on the iconic building behind him create a sense of celebration and inclusivity. The setting is festive and signifies a moment of pride and possibly an official event recognizing LGBTQ+ rights.
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This team is absolutely wonderful

This team is absolutely wonderful. They showed us where our shortfalls were and helped us realize where we had the most potential for growth. Then they went to doing what they do best, helped us grow.

Michael Kelley
Co-Owner equalpride
The image is a selfie of a man wearing a tan sweatshirt with the words "greetings from P-TOWN" in blue and pink font, featuring a graphic of a muscled figure. He has a salt-and-pepper beard and mustache, and he's wearing round sunglasses and a camo hat with the word "faggot" on it, reclaiming the term as an expression of pride. Behind him, partially blurred by the shallow depth of field, is the iconic rainbow flag, symbolizing LGBTQ+ pride. His expression is one of happiness and confidence.
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For the first time our online business will surpass our retail

We've experienced a 60% increase on our e-commerce business the year we began working together and our seven year old retail business increased over 30% with the help of their local advertising prowess. And as of end of summer 2023, this will be the first time our online business will surpass our retail business, thanks to this team.

Adam Singer
Founder Adams Nest
The image shows a man in a formal black tuxedo holding a TONY. He is smiling and appears to be at a celebratory event. The award looks like a crystal globe atop a black base that reads "AMERICAN THEATRE WING TONY AWARD." The man has short gray hair, a happy expression, and his attire includes a white dress shirt and a black bow tie. The setting appears to be an indoor event with low lighting, which accentuates the significance of the moment captured in the photograph.
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Their perspective is their biggest differentiator

The team at The Gaygency has become a vital part of my brand and business. Their perspective is their biggest differentiator from any other agency I've worked with in the past. They get me, my audience and my industry.

Carl Mollenberg
Theatre Producer & Winner of 13 Tonys
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Do I have to be an LGBTQIA+ person or company to work with The Gaygency?

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Of course not! The Gaygency welcomes all clients who are looking for expert marketing services, regardless of their personal or company's LGBTQIA+ status.

Are your services just for LGBTQIA+ audiences, or can they be employed to reach a broader, general audience as well?

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While The Gaygency specializes in marketing to LGBTQIA+ audiences, our expertise in branding, digital marketing, and audience engagement is comprehensive and adaptable to a broader demographic.

You can certainly hire us for campaigns targeting the general population.

Our deep understanding of diverse markets, combined with our experience in crafting inclusive and effective marketing strategies, positions us well to create campaigns that resonate with a wide range of audiences, not limited to just the LGBTQIA+ community. Whether your goal is to reach a specific group or a broader audience, b2b or b2c, we tailor our approach to meet your unique marketing needs.

Do you offer B2B marketing or just B2C marketing?

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We offer marketing services for both B2B (Business-to-Business) and B2C (Business-to-Consumer) sectors. We understand that each domain has its unique requirements and challenges, and our team is equipped to handle the distinct needs of both B2B and B2C marketing.

Whether it's engaging with other businesses or connecting directly with consumers, we tailor our strategies to effectively reach and resonate with your target audience.

What makes The Gaygency different from other marketing agencies?

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At The Gaygency, we distinguish ourselves through our deep specialization in LGBTQIA+ marketing, providing unparalleled insights, data, and strategies specifically tailored to engage this demographic effectively.

What truly sets us apart, however, is our innovative partnership strategy approach. We believe in forging strong, collaborative relationships with our clients. Our unique partnership growth agreement offers a comprehensive package of marketing services for a single price.

This approach ensures that we're not just service providers but partners in our clients' success. We cover a wide array of marketing needs - from branding and digital advertising to content creation and social media management - all under one umbrella.

This holistic method ensures that every aspect of our clients' marketing efforts is aligned, consistent, and powerfully targeted towards achieving their business goals. Our commitment is not just to deliver services, but to drive success and growth for each client we partner with.

Can The Gaygency help with rebranding to be more LGBTQIA+ inclusive?

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Absolutely, we specialize in helping brands authentically rebrand to resonate and engage with the LGBTQIA+ community.

How does your LGBTQIA+ content development cater specifically to LGBTQIA+ audiences?

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At The Gaygency, our approach to content development for LGBTQIA+ audiences is deeply rooted in authenticity and relevance. This is achieved through our team of LGBTQIA+ talent who bring their personal experiences and perspectives into every piece of content we create. Our narrative tone and the cultural nuances we incorporate are reflective of the diverse and vibrant nature of the LGBTQIA+ community.

When we take-on a content project, such as a commercial or photoshoot, we start with a creative brainstorming session led by some of the brightest and award-winning LGBTQIA+ creative minds based in New York. This process involves drawing on a wide range of perspectives and experiences from within the community, ensuring that our campaigns are not only inclusive but resonate deeply with our audience.

This approach is crucial for the development of effective campaigns. It allows us to capture the true essence of the LGBTQIA+ experience, reflecting it in ways that are both respectful and engaging. One of the key benefits of working with The Gaygency is this multidimensional perspective.

We don't just see through one lens; we incorporate a multitude of viewpoints that enrich our content and ensure it genuinely speaks to and represents the LGBTQIA+ community. Our commitment to authenticity not only enhances the connection with the audience but also elevates the overall impact of the campaign.

Still have questions?

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Join Our Movement

At The Gaygency, we're not just marketing experts; we're architects of change. Partner with us and let's make a difference together. Your brand has a story. Let's tell it, boldly and with pride.